• Training machines to communicate, interact and benefit humanity.


Artificial Intelligence: A New Deal is Needed for Europe

The Evocativity of Prediction, LLMs and DeepSeek

In December 2022, I got an unprecedented number of calls and messages from friends, entrepreneurs, students, and colleagues asking me if I knew about language models and urging me to meet them. They said: “I type, and the language model (i.e. ChatGPT) predicts and completes my sentences and requests !”. Mixed senses of void, excitement, and agitation were spreading fast. The term “language model” was popularized in a blast all over the planet. How did we get here?

In the early nineties, we witnessed the dawn of statistical language models. At that time, when I talked about our research on “stochastic language models” at AT&T Bell Laboratories (USA), people would scoff at that idea. We wanted to use them to empower machines to talk to humans. The topic was controversial then, and linguists criticized and ridiculed our research path. In 2000, at AT&T Labs, we had an aha moment when we connected a machine that could listen and talk to millions of customers calling with accents from all over the USA.  It was an instant research and technological breakthrough, appreciated by the scientific and business communities, with little impact on the broad audience of consumers. 

Fast forward in time: in 2011...

AI in Medicine for Med Students

Today was a big feel-good day for me and my colleagues Giovanni Iacca and Eleonora Aiello from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the University of Trento.

Our students' presentations delved into specific aspects of how medical professionals, from ophthalmology, neurosurgery, cardiology, radiology, endovascular surgery, and health physics, could benefit from AI systems. 

They showcased how AI may help reduce the burnout of radiologists, support neurosurgeons in improving the precision in delivering brain stimulation for Parkinson's patients, detect postoperative delirium, improve the tracking of white matter pathways, predict toxicity in radiotherapy, and many more high-impact issues in medicine and health.

Go students, enjoy the rest of the ride!



Talk: "Conversational AI to Benefit Individuals" by Giuseppe Riccardi May 29th at 4pm (italian time) at Manchester Open NLPclub.

Research in human-machine dialogue (aka ConvAI) has been driven by the quest for open-domain, knowledgeable and multimodal agents. In contrast, the complex problem of designing , training and evaluating a conversational system and its components is currently reduced to a) prompting LLMs, b) coarse evaluation of machine responses and c) poor management of the affective signals. In this talk, we will review the current state-of-the-art in human-machine dialogue research and its limitations. We will present the most challenging frontiers of conversational AI when the objective is to create personal conversational systems that benefit individuals. In this context we will report experiments and RCT trials of so-called personal healthcare agents supporting individuals and healthcare professionals.

Our Vision

We do research in the analysis and interpretation of signals generated and interpreted in human dialogue and interaction.

We design and train machine learning models to interpret these signals and support the inference process of human-machine dialogue and interaction systems. The design of the human-dialogue system is motivated by the goal of benefiting humans and evaluation methodologies and processes are a high priority in our lab. Our research and achievements come from collaborating with fantastic international researchers, professionals, non-profit organizations, and companies of all sizes.

Open Thesis and Internships

Are Images Worth a Million Words ? a Million names ? a Million verbs ?

A long-standing research question addresses the amount of information that an image contains. At AT&T Bell Laboratories, a colleague and friend of mine used to claim that images contained a lot of information, " a million words". We argued a lot about it, but it was too early back then in the '90s, and we left the topic in the Bell Labs blue notebook, the personal registry of each researcher.

Now, more than ever, that category of research questions has surfaced back. A lot of research works are investigating the relations between the visual and language modalities when building AI systems. Whether you are interested in research or applications or building systems, we are opening exciting opportunities in this area of research and applications.

Theory of Mind for LLMs ?

Theory of mind (ToM) is very much needed in humans to engage in social activity. Theory of mind is the ability to perceive and track the mental state of others. An example of ToM is the ability of humans to be empathic, that is the ability to reach the so-called self-other overlap state ( aka “put yourself in the other shoes” but it is more complex than that ). During the thesis/internship, you will assess the critical aspects of ToM in machines and neural models.

Generative AI vs. Information Retrieval

Join our cutting-edge research to fine-tune and evaluate state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) for personalized response generation, and compare their performance against traditional response selection models. Gain hands-on experience, and contribute to groundbreaking advancements in Multimodal Human-Machine Dialogue and Interaction. Ideal for students and interns passionate about AI and machine learning!

Are LLMs Knowledgeable?

If LLMs answer factual questions, does it mean they are knowledgeable? Join our research on evaluating the uncertainty and accuracy of state-of-the-art LLMs in retrieving factual knowledge from their parameters. By analyzing their learned information during training, the study aims to enhance the understanding and reliability of LLMs in real-world applications. Ideal for students passionate about uncertainty and model evaluation.


  • Mousavi. M. S., Alghisi S. and Riccardi G., “ DyKnow: Dynamically Verifying Time-Sensitive Factual Knowledge in LLMs  ” Proc. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Miami, 2024.

  • Roccabruna G., Rizzoli M. and Riccardi G., “ Will LLMs Replace the Encoder-Only Models in Temporal Relation Classification?  ” Proc. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Miami, 2024.

  • Alghisi S., Rizzoli M., Roccabruna G., Mousavi. M. S.and Riccardi G., “ Should We Fine-Tune or RAG? Evaluating Different Techniques to Adapt LLMs for Dialogue  ” Proc. International Conference on Natural Langauge Generation, Tokyo, 2024.

  • Giuliano Tortoreto and Seyed Mahed Mousavi. 2024. "Dolomites@#SMM4H 2024: Helping LLMs “Know The Drill” in Low-Resource Settings - A Study on Social Media Posts." In Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks, pages 17–22, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • M. Ravanelli, T. Parcollet, A. Moumen, S. de Langen, C. Subakan, P. Plantinga, Y. Wang, P. Mousavi, L. Della Libera, A. Ploujnikov, F. Paissan, D. Borra, S. Zaiem, Z. Zhao, S. Zhang, G. Karakasidis, S.-L. Yeh, P. Champion, A. Rouhe, R. Braun, F. Mai, J. Zuluaga-Gomez, S. M. Mousavi, et al., “Open-source conversational ai with speechbrain 1.0” Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 26, 2024.

  • Q. Chen, S. M. Mousavi, G. Jacucci, and G. Riccardi, “Investigating the use and perception of blocking feature in social virtual reality spaces,” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 9, 2024.

  • Mousavi. M. S., Roccabruna G., Alghisi S., Rizzoli M., Ravanelli M. and Riccardi G., " Are LLMs Robust for Spoken Dialogues? " Proc. International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, TALK Sapporo, 2024.
  • Mousavi. M. S., Tanaka, S., Roccabruna G., Yoshino K., Nakamura S. and Riccardi G., " What’s New? Identifying the Unfolding of New Events in a Narrative " ACL, Proc. 5th Workshop of Narrative Understanding, 2023.
  • Mousavi. M. S., Caldarella S. and Riccardi G., " Response Generation in Longitudinal Dialogues: Which Knowledge Representation Helps? " ACL, Proc. 5th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI, 2023.
  • Roccabruna G., Mousavi. M. S. and Riccardi G., " Understanding Emotion Valence is a Joint Deep Learning Task" ACL, Proc. 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis 2023.
  • Yin M., Roccabruna G., Azad A. and Riccardi G., " Let's Give a Voice to Conversational Agents in Virtual Reality " Proc. INTERSPEECH, Demo Paper , VIDEO Dublin, 2023.
  • Mayor-Torres J., Medina-DeVillers S., Clarkson T., Lerner M.D., Riccardi G. , "Evaluation of interpretability for deep learning algorithms in EEG emotion recognition: a case study in autism ", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 143, 2023 .
  • Mousavi M., Roccabruna, Lorandi M., Caldarella S. and Riccardi G., " Evaluation of Response Generation Models: Shouldn’t It Be Shareable and Replicable? " EMNLP Workshop Generation, Evaluation & Metrics (GEM), 2022.
  • Bayerl S., Roccabruna G., Chowdhury A. S., Ciulli T., Danieli M., Riedhammer K. and Riccardi G., " What can Speech and Language Tell us About the Working Alliance in Psychotherapy " Proc. INTERSPEECH, 2022.
  • Mousavi M., Roccabruna G., Tammewar A. Azzolin S. and Riccardi G., " Can Emotion Carriers Explain Automatic Sentiment Prediction? A Study on Personal Narratives, " ACL, 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis, 2022.
  • Roccabruna G., Azzolin S. and Riccardi G., " Multi-source Multi-domain Sentiment Analysis with BERT-based Models, " Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2022.
  • Tammewar A., Bayerl P. S., Braun F., Riedhammer K. and Riccardi G., " Annotation of Valence for Spoken Personal Narratives, " Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2022.
  • Mousavi M., Negro R. and Riccardi G., " An Unsupervised Approach to Extract Life-Events from Personal Narratives in the Mental Health Domain, " Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2022.
  • Danieli M., Ciulli T., Mousavi M. Silvestri G., Barbato S. Di Natale L. and Riccardi G., "Assessing the Impact of Conversational AI in the Treatment of Stress and Anxiety in Ageing Persons: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study ", Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Mental Health, Vol 9, No 9, 2022 .
  • Mayor-Torres J., Clarkson T., Hauschild K., Luhmann C. C., Lerner D. M. and Riccardi G., "Facial emotions are accurately encoded in the brains of those with autism: A deep learning approach", Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Volume 7, Issue 7, Pages 688-695 2022 .
  • Bayerl P. S., Tammewar A., Riedhammer K. and Riccardi G., " Detecting Emotion Carriers By Combining Acoustic and Lexical Representations, " IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Conference, 2021.